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Management Services

Bells Property Services

Bells Property Services

Bells Property Services is our management company and deals with everything from weekly management of properties to long and short term lets.


Tenanted Properties 

At the start of any tenancy, the Tenant and Landlord must have signed a standard Lease that is drawn up in our office. The Tenant must pay one month’s rent in advance and the Deposit. For standard leases:-

Tenant’s Responsibilities 

Maintaining the interior of the premises and the garden; the payment of all day to day expenditures such as oil, electricity, gas, telephone, occupiers’ rates, water rates etc.; the insurance of the Tenant’s own possessions.

Owner’s Responsibilities 

The payment of TRP (Tax on Real Property – the owner’s rate); the insurance of the building and any contents within; maintenance of the fabric of the property; income tax implications.


These are provided on a quarterly basis and include withholding income tax where mandatory by law. There is a additional fee if monthly statements are requested.


Our standard fee for the service with quarterly statements is 12..5% of the rent. Please see below for preparation of leases. 

Empty Homes 

The standard format is for these homes to be inspected once a week internally and externally. This is critical for insurance purposes. We do our best to ensure your home is ‘ready & working’ for your arrival. We can organise cleaners, gardeners, taxi/car hire on your arrival etc. If required we will forward mail, pay household bills, organise quotes for remedial works and oversee minor works.

Weekly Management of empty properties 

Our standard fee for this service with quarterly statements is £45 a calendar month. A float is essential for the payment of bills.

Finding a Tenant with No Management 

Our fee for finding a tenant only is 5% of the first year’s rent. This is payable at the start of the tenancy.

Preparation of Leases

There is a standard charge of £90 for the preparation and the printing of three originals for signing.